About me

Michael J. Thompson I'm a native New Yorker from Long Island living in Delaware. I enjoy spending time with family, following baseball and sports, self improvement reading, traveling to South America when I can and giving back to the local community with volunteerism.

I've always had a heart for those that suffer with homelessness. Sunday Breakfast Mission Once a month I lead a team of volunteers to provide kitchen help and serve food to the homeless in Wilmington Delaware at the Who is the Sunday Breakfast Mission. It's a very gratifying experience and keeps life in perspective. They provide emergency shelter and long-term rehabilitative programs.

I have visited Colombia twice, Spain, Brazil and Canada twice. In 2012, I took a week vacation to Canada with my sister and saw 3 hockey games in 3 different cities, Buffalo, Toronto and Montreal. Included in that trip was the Hockey Hall of Fame, Niagara Falls and the Montreal Canadiens Hall of Fame.

Exploring the world



flag of the country of colombia


flag of the country of spain


flag of the country of brazil